Starting a New Job
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Just as you are breathing a sigh of relief after landing that prized new job, it's time to turn your attention to formulating a plan to guarantee success in your new position.
First impressions are critical as you begin your stint with a new employer so you need to be deliberate and savvy about creating the optimal image right from the beginning of your tenure.
Here are 20 practical tips and strategies for success in your new job:
1. Identify star performers at your level and analyze what has made them successful and elevated their status at your new employer.
2. Be cautious about who you align yourself withprior to thoroughly evaluating all the players and determining who is in or out of favor with management.
3. Associate with positive people and avoid complainers and slackers at all costs. Avoid griping to fellow employees since you never know who will quote you or cast you in a negative light.
4. Assess the preferences and expectations of your immediate supervisor. Listen carefully to the directions that he/she offers and also ask other trusted colleagues for suggestions on ways to measure up to your supervisor's expectations.
5. Keep your supervisor apprised of the status of your projects so they are aware of the value being added to your department.
6. Seek input and assistance when you are stumped but try to avoid being too needy by asking too many questions. Try to solve as many problems as possible on your own or with input from colleagues at your own level.
7. Endeavor to arrive earlier and/or stay later than your supervisor to prove you are ready to work hard.
8. Communicate with your supervisor via meaningful emails early and or late in the day to document your extensive hours. 9. Strive for a perfect attendance record during your first two years. If you are ill try to accomplish as many tasks as possible from home and/or put in extra time when you return.
10. Develop cooperative working relationships with staff at all levels of the organization with particular emphasis on key internal partners. Many organizations perform 360 degree evaluations of staff and many other colleagues will have input. 11. Scout interfacing or attractive departments which you might move to later should the need or opportunity arise. Develop strong relationships with these colleagues.
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12. Solicit feedback periodically and respond positively to constructive criticism. Make it clear to your supervisor and other staff that you are all about self-improvement.
13. Create a professional development plan with clear goals and objectives regarding what you will learn and the skills you will acquire. Consult managers, the Human Resources department and professionals in your field and find out what certifications, coursework and/or degrees are advisable for you to advance your career.
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14. Join national and regional professional groups for your field and attend meetings and training sessions. Taking on leadership positions and volunteering for committees is a great way to make contacts and raise your visibility professionally.
15. Review your social media imprint and make sure any personal information visible to the public reflects a professional image.
16. Update your LinkedIn profile to include your current position or establish a profile if you don't already have one. Join relevant professional groups and add as many contacts as possible. Ask for recommendations from colleagues, clients and other professional contacts over time.
17. Identify potential mentors within your organization and cultivate relationships. Consider senior staff as well as strong performers in positions at your level and/or one level above you.
18. Mentor former colleagues who are unemployed or underemployed or more junior staff at your organization. You never know when they may pay you back.
19. Express your gratitude and maintain contact with any people, such as your references, who helped pave your way to this new job. These people will feel more invested in you the next time that you need their help if they can follow along as your career develops.
20. Investigate local volunteer opportunities. The contacts which you make will view you in a positive way as someone who cares about things they value.
Thinking strategically at the beginning of you new job will make it more likely that you are well received and successful in your position.
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